************************************************************************** Short Story By Mike Baharmast 1-94 From a book of short stories titled "Untruly Funny Stories" For more, see "README.TXT" ************************************************************************** EMAIL From: David Goldsteen, attorney for the Dulong community of El Segundo Ca. To: Judge Robert Orie, District 12 Court. Re: Dulong Tribal customs - Report #2 Sir, I am continuing to write to the recent incidents that Ms. Deborah Finesteen, El Segundo assistant city administrator brought to the attention of the court. Again, let me restate for the record that the Dulong tribesmen of El Segundo are refugees that fled the highlands of Laos and were 6 years ago settled by the US government in El Segundo. Naturally they retain all of their tribal customs and traditions and some of these may at first seem different or odd, but once viewed in context they seem perfectly normal. Having said that let me address another three of the incidents one by one. DECEMBER 2, 1992- Police is summoned to Ventura Blvd. after motorist notify 911 that about 100 naked men, painted in red and purple were running in the middle of the highway hollering and crying and beating themselves with palm branches. All of the Dulong were arrested for indecent exposure and loitering. Sir, that would be the "Rebirth Festival", where the men are required to display themselves to the world and God of Birthing and atone and lament. If they don't do this they are convinced their sins will pile up and they will be reincarnated into lower forms of life like white fish and smelt which they particularly despise. Oct. 11, 1992- A Dulong man is arrested for soliciting after kissing the police officer who had just given him a parking ticket. You honor, among Dulong in these cases kissing is a sign of respect for and submission to the power of authority. The man's kiss merely meant to say "I'm sorry and I won't do it again". August 28, 1992- 17 Dulong bring their children to class at JFK elementary in El Segundo and refuse to leave. Teachers tried to remove them by force and one female staffer was subdued by the Dulong who then cut her hair. Police where summoned and the Dulong arrested for classroom invasion and barbering without a license. Sir, the Dulong communally educate their children. They fully expected that they would be the teachers. And when the teachers tried to remove them, the found it disrespectful and resisted. As for the female staffer, she was waving her finger towards a Dulong man in a way which the man's wife mistook as the Dulong gesture for carnal interest. She then subdued her and cut her hair with scissors for passing advancements toward her husband. Thank you for your patience. I and my staff will immediately commence work on the other 34 outstanding incidents.